Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

for all of you "twilighters" out thurr

the second one is actually SOO FUNNY!!!

i actually like jimmy F, so fuck you.

... just because

Saturday, November 21, 2009


From Street Boners and TV Carnage, Gavin McInnes' new film..... are Women hornier then men?

Theres lots of nudity.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rishikesh express and other fables

We wandered to the beach, to smoke hash on the rocks. We were harassed by two aging and aged women in saris trying to sell us river-water-candle-floral things, but we had no small change to purchse them.

Once the clueless women realized they were not getting our money, they left and we enjoyed our hash, facing the vast mountains past the river. We lay in the sand, as a result of enjoying our hash.

A man-with-donkey was nearby to our right on this very beach. He was silent, and washed his face in the river. The man-with-donkey started to leave the beach. The donkey paused in front of us peacefully, delaying its owner.

The donkey proceeded to take a massive shit in the sand, both mine and stef's feet pointing in it's direction as if to use its heat to warm them. The man then walked towrds the shit, but stopped at the donkey's mid-section, fastened with large grain holsters. The man re-adjusted a stick he was holding to fit into the grain, and patted down the grain round it nicely to stabilize the stick. Without a word, he walked his ass into the day's lukewarm sun. A fine India welcome

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009