Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Canada day...

we burnt down the white house in 1814
Pre Canada Day Party
ok so last night myself, stef, austin, tinski and scruff went out, got booze, had quite the adventure getting to Bryn's house, tinski almost killed us about a dozen times. we finally meet up with the ladies and start partying....
the drinking games, the hijinks, the tom foolery, the drunken antics and yelling were all swinging in full force. i dropped my phone in the sink and it is now dead! (RIP phone)
we decided to roll on down to osbourne to continue the party. i apparently broke my ankle and wandered off into the night mingling with strangers and old friends. the next thing i knew i was alone on osbourne and the excitement of the streets was fading. 
no one could find me so they left, i got a ride home with the twins.
the end

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