So apparently the Finns are making a dubyah-dubyah-two alternate history movie about space Nazis.
Yup! Iron Sky, which is set for release in 2011, has been funded almost entirely through online donations, and so far the production company has managed to collect more than $1.2 million dollars US from fans. The film, which is nearly completely computer generated except for the live action actors, will be available to subscribers world wide via the internet upon release. It's being directed and produced by Timo Vuorensola and Samuli Torssonen, the creative duo who brought you STAR WRECK: In the Pirkinning (Fucking Finns.).
Anyway, the premise is that in 1945 German scientists working at a secret research base in Antarctica develop advanced anti-gravity technology and launch rockets to the moon. At their secret "Nazi Moon Base" they build a fleet of spaceships, and in the year 2018 they return to Earth seeking hot schnitzel and cold vengeance! Take a look for yourself, the trailer looks pretty nuckin' futs.
As with any internet b-film, we can assume there will probably be a reasonable amount of sillyness involved with this movie. From the looks of the trailer however, the CGI looks pretty solid, and the music choice was enough to give me goosebumps. Speaking of music, Slovenian industrial/neo-classical band Laibach have been slated to do their soundtrack. These guys are seriously fucking weird, and are probably an entire article to themselves.
All sillyness aside, this looks like it could turn out to be a really cool movie. From the looks of the trailer, the filmmakers clearly aren't trying to make it into something it's not. Nothing's worse/more hilarious than a b-movie that tries to look like they had a huge budget. (Ex. Uganda's First Action Movie: Who Killed Captain Alex). Providing the writing and acting isn't too bad, this movie could end up garnering some serious recognition. Either that, or it'll go down as just another stupid fucking movie.
If you want to donate to the project or just get some more info, check out the official website.
Listen to this mufuggah too. Villains remix of Ares by Bloc Party.
Happy Thursday, pals!
Welcome Prince.
What a royal inaugural dab post!
Professionally done and v. interesting.
I look forward to more submissions from you.
feesh taco taco
who the fuck is prince?
I am the one hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red.
i think anonymous should stop being a bitch.
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